Jamal Uddin
Journalist & Author
Jamal Uddin, is a distinguished Bangladeshi journalist renowned for his significant contributions to the media landscape. Currently he is working for online news portal www.somoyjournal.com as Director (news). Before his current responsibilities, he was special correspondent cum Business & Economic Editor of the Daily Ittefaq.
As an Editor of Business and Economic page, he was responsible to lead business section like as writing and editing Business, Economics, Aviation & tourism, Development related news.
Jamal Uddin is famous for his field, Economic journalism in Bangladesh. He writes column about economy of Bangladesh in editorial page of Ittefaq, gets popularity among the readers.
He has won the Best Reporting Award 2006 and 2007 by Dhaka Reporters Unity, sponsored by Ministry of Finance and Planning, Bangladesh and Federation of Bangladesh Chambers Of Commerce and Industries (FBCCI). He also won REHAB Best reporter of The Year Award 2012. He won best reporting award of Economic Reporters Forum(ERF) Bangladesh at 2020. Also won Amcham Frontline Journalism Award 2021 by American Chamber of Commerce in Bangladesh.
He also holds various training fellowships in the field of Development and business reporting. He is a fellow member of U S International visitors program for journalists’ alumni.
Visited U S A as a guest of U S State department and participated various discussion forums of journalism, visited several newspapers office and TV stations. While the visiting America, he also interviewed by Voice of America as a prolific writer and journalist. Jamal also visited France, Germany, Belgium, China, United Arab Emirates, Singapore, Uzbekistan, Malaysia, Thailand, Srilanka, nepal and India for professional purposes.
He has successfully concluded Edward R. Murrow program for journalist academic curriculum at Annenberg school for communication of University Of Southern California, California and school for communication of Jackson state University, Mississippi.
An industry insider, Jamal started his career in early ‘90s and worked for different newspapers and news magazines.
An active member of professional organization, he was elected President (2016) and General Secretary (2011) of Dhaka Reporters Unity. He also served the Economic Reporters Forum, Bangladesh as an assistant general secretary and Finance Secretary of Bangladesh Aviation and Tourism Journalist Association. He is also a member of national press club, Dhaka Union of Journalist etc.
He is not only a journalist, but a writer. He writes short story and he is the author of three books published at Ekushey boimela 2004, 2013, 2016 by different publications house. His book `Media Hypes and Disaster Management: A Case Study of Rana plaza Bangladesh' published by lap-lambert that translated in 8 different languages. As a designated discussant, he participates various TV talk shows on contemporary issues.
He has a vast knowledge about economics, social science; he obtained post graduate degree from University of Dhaka. In addition to Bengali, he speaks and writes in English. Born in Noakhali, Jamal lives in Dhaka with his parents.
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